
Add photos to your website

With Pagewize you can easily add photography to your website. With the extensive options of the image block you can not only add individual images, but also different photo albums and galleries.

Single images

If you want to add images, click the blue “Add images” button. This will open the Media Manager where you can see all your previously uploaded files as well as add new ones.

As soon as you have added a photo, it will be placed in the image block. The image will then have 3 options, namely: image caption, focal point and delete.

With the image caption, you can give the image a title, description and optionally a link.

With the focal point functionality you can indicate which point of the photo is most important. This will ensure that no matter how the image is cropped, the main point of the photo is still visible.

Removing the photo: Make sure that it remains in the media manager so that you can still use it in other places. If you want to completely remove the photo from Pagewize, you can permanently delete the photo via the media manager.

Individual image settings and views:

You can show individual images in 3 sizes, namely, Small, Medium and Large. In addition, you can indicate whether these are cropped in a circle, square or portrait and whether they should have a border (outline). Usually you can also give this outline a color, but this again depends on the chosen theme. Some themes have many colors and others less.

The individual images may also contain a caption. This is a kind of introductory text that you can place in, below or above the image. This will differ per theme how this will look exactly, but with our handy preview function you can always view this in advance.

Finally, you can also make the image clickable by adding a link to the URL field. This can be a page within your Pagewize website but also a link to someone else's website.